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Stacy Otto and Virginia Worley (From the Editors) |
Editor introduction - That Which We Dare Not Speak: The Scourge of Wokeness, Cancel Culture, and the Fight for Justice |
William Fridley - Drake Lecture | Showing, Telling, and Teaching: Philosophically and Practically
Frank Giuseffi | Teaching as Eudaimonism: Aristotle’s Moral Virtues, Intellectual Virtues, and the Phronetic Bond
LuAnne Kuelzer-Eckhout and Neil O. Houser |
Basiyr Rodney< - Presidential Address/td> |
Donna Sayman and Carsten Schmidtke |
David Snelgrove |
Jonas Vilaire and Ralph Olliges | Artificial Intelligence, Gamification, and Constructivist Pedagogy